October 22, 2024

New year, new goals, new Sun Center leaders

This archived article was written by: Madison Woodward

As a new semester begins, the Serving Utah Network Involvement Center gets a presidency and leaders face lift.
With the exit of their president at the end of fall semester, Vice President Makayla Chadwick, a first semester freshman, was appointed as SUN Center President. With her she brought two new vice presidents: Dakoda Lindsay and Kelsie Gajewsky, who were both new to the SUN Center. Not only did the presidency change, joining the SUN Center are five new leaders: Yakshinee Boodoo, Jane Perfumo, Jonh Mojica, Madison Woodward and Jordan Moynier.
After all these changes, one would think that the SUN Center would have a hard time getting back on its feet and ready to serve others. Terry Johnson, SUN Center adviser, would beg to differ. “They are on fire. I could not be more excited about their enthusiasm and fresh ideas they bring to the SUN Center.”
Johnson put their ideas to work immediately. The Saturday before spring semester began, he and his new presidency gathered all the leaders, new and old, for a major brainstorm session. After several hours, the leaders came up with five new goals to enhance and help the campus and the community.
The first was to include other leadership groups with the service the SUN Center provides throughout the campus and the community.
The second was to include the outside community, because this campus is not just an isolated area, it is a part of a much larger community that helps and sponsors many functions throughout campus.
The third goal was to become connected as leaders so in the future they can be unified for service as one.
The fourth goal was to increase service hours for all the members to create more service throughout the campus and the community.
The fifth and final goal was to publicize the SUN Center throughout the campus and community. Being a part of SUN Center is a great way to be involved in college activities and participating in service hours will help with applications. They have a Facebook page and a Twitter account in order to spread the word and inform campus of all the service activities. Participating in the SUN Center will help make a major difference in the community.
Now as the SUN Center is increasing in service, the opportunities across campus are increasing. There are many ongoing projects like the Green Team and Mothers of Preschoolers, aka MOPS. These activities are a great way to get involved.
This semester also brings Spring Breakaway, which is a stable project the SUN Center has been sponsoring for years. Spring Breakaway is a major service activity during Spring Break, where students travel to the Navajo Reservation and organize service activities to benefit those who live there.
This new semester brings change for the SUN Center, but with it comes a new enthusiasm that will spread throughout campus for the need for service.
Johnson “cannot wait to see how this group will make a difference on campus and in the community.” With the SUN Center’s new face lift, they are hoping to help the campus get an enthusiasm for serving others everywhere.