February 28, 2025

English tutoring now available at the USU Eastern Library

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This archived article was written by: Madison Woodward

The average student at Utah State University Eastern has difficulties in at least one subject. To help improve the grades and learning capability of students on campus, USU Eastern provides several tutors for many subjects in which most students do not necessarily excel in. The Writing Center in the West Instructional Building plays host to many English tutors, to help students with their writing skills.
One of these tutors is Jinah Lee, an international student from South Korea. She helps students with English and is equipped to help English as a Second Language students with adapting to the English style of writing. For example, learning how to write in MLA or APA styles for English papers is just one way she can help out. She also helps with documentation projects and other basic nuances like comma placement and how to properly punctuate a sentence.
Several weeks ago, USU Eastern Library’s Director, Lori Brassaw, approached Carrie Icard, faculty head of the English department, about expanding the WIB writing center’s tutoring services to other locations on campus, namely the library.
Quick to respond, Icard agreed and the WIB Writing Center satellite tutoring expansion started. Now, twice a week students have access to a qualified English tutor at the library.
Tutoring is available Tuesday and Thursday from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.