October 22, 2024

ESA 2014 voting continues through Friday

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This archived article was written by: Shadayah Jones

Each year elections are held at USU Eastern for three ESA student government positions, student body president, activities vice president, and executive vice president.
Five candidates are running. Miranda Cox and Benjamin Bjarnson for student body president; Wyntre Pierce, who is running unopposed, for vice president of activities; and Arsene Mugisha and Harley Earl for executive vice president.
All of the candidates were required to write a short biography about themselves. They included their platform and ideas for changes they plan to implement here at USU Eastern. They were written for the benefit of USU Eastern’s student body.
Student Body President-
Ben Bjarnson: “Calm as a mother bear after birthing quintuplets, and as passionate as a butterfly is to fertilizing flowers, Bjarnson is the right fit for USU Eastern. Ben grew up in Salt Lake City and has a very extensive background of work, school and leadership. His most recent endeavors have made him a proficient leader in the SUN Center as well as the most handsome Resident Advisor on campus. In addition to his duties, he has taken on the challenge of a male cheerleader. When asked how he accomplished all of this he commented, ‘I have a good work ethic, good friends, and an unhealthy dose of caffeine.’ Ben is pleased to run for President of the Eastern Student Association, and will be open for any questions or comments you may have. His secret word is ‘periwinkle.’”
Ben has many goals for USU Eastern and some of his goals include lowering the cost of tuition, creating academic programs, building community partners to help students find jobs and off campus housing and more activities big and small.
“I want our school to bundle the costs of housing, food, tuition and books, as well as having a high number of clubs to create more activities throughout the week,” he said.
Miranda Cox: “Hello everyone. My name is Miranda Cox; I grew up in Tremonton, Utah, and attended Bear River High School. My favorite animal is a lion and I enjoy long walks along the beach. I love spending time with my family and friends, playing volleyball, watching America’s Funniest Home Videos and playing signs. People’s laughs are the funniest and most contagious things on the planet and I occasionally combust into loud laughter (sometimes in awkwardly quiet situations). Fun facts: I hit my elbow so hard that I broke my tailbone and last semester I fractured my finger doing a Chinese Fire Drill.
This is my second year at USU Eastern and I am getting my associate degree of general studies this semester. Next year I will be majoring in business and loving life. I am currently serving in ESA as the elected vice president of activities and last year I was an event director. I strongly believe in collaboration, teamwork and that I would be a good student body president.”
Cox’s goals are to uphold, but also build on the traditions at USU Eastern, help the future members of ESA in their duties, stimulate a Scream Team and help with the sport teams on campus, make campus more friendly for all students and create better communication and involvement with the community.
Cox states “I stand for respect and loyalty. I want to give back to the school. And when the going gets tough I’ll get tougher.”
Activities Vice President-
Wyntre Pierce: “I am Wyntre Pierce (pronounced like the season “Winter”). I’m 19 years old and a freshman at Eastern. I went to Bingham High School, spent three years on my high school debate team, graduated and moved two hours away from home. I started Eastern as a cosmetology student and realized I was miserable. I changed my major to elementary education and I absolutely love it. I have been on ESA both fall and spring semester, as an event coordinator and could not love it more. I love being involved and meeting new people as the year goes on. I’m excited to continue my time at Eastern and have the opportunity to grow and help the school become better.”
Pierce’s goals include bigger and better events for students, new events, a new spin on the traditional events and more multi cultural activities.
“The transition to college is hard. My goal is to help students by providing activities for students to help create lasting memories and provide the escape from classes and homework.”
Executive Vice President-
Harley Earl: “My name is Harley Earl. I am from Corinne Utah and lived my whole life in Utah. I am currently a student at USU Eastern and previously attended Box Elder High School. I play basketball for USU Eastern and I love it. I am the oldest of two children. My younger brother Landon is 10 years old. We are very close although we are far apart in age.  I am family oriented and very passionate about life.”
Earl’s goals for the upcoming year are to have more involvement with clubs, recruit more international students, gather more feedback from the students, and make campus friendlier.
Earl explains, “I believe that every student has the right to an amazing experience and education while at school. My goal is to help students be and feel great while attending Eastern.”
Arsene Mugisha: “I was born in a family of six brothers and sisters, and I am the third born of my family. I finished primary school in 2000 where I started my o level in a private school in Rwanda for three years. I started in 2003 in a Center of Excellence School (LDK) for other three years in sciences. I have participated in many clubs such as, Red Cross Peace and Love Proclaimers and I received a debate certificate in never again club. During those three years I have been a class representative until I graduated in 2012. After graduation I came pursue my education at USU Eastern, where I became a multicultural club vice president and resigned when I got elected the executive vice president for the year 2012 until now.”
Hoping to continue is his current position, Mugisha’s goals include creating a senator department, creating opportunities for students to travel during spring break, making Global Week bigger and better and serving the students in their academic needs.
“Being a student voice, representing them in their academic and basic needs at school is what I have started last year 2012-2013 as an executive vice president. Keeping this culture and improving it is all I am looking forward for,” he said.
Each candidate hopes to be able to bring their skills to help make USU Eastern a home away from home for its students. The students, traditional and nontraditional, choose these positions and these elected officers become their voice. This year elections were held all week starting Monday, Feb. 24 and will continue until Friday, Feb. 28. The elections will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day and must be done in the Jennifer Levitt Center in the main hall. There will also be an election center available in the Reeves Building and the West Instructional Building on Thursday, Feb. 27 from five to eight p.m.