March 1, 2025

Gibby defaced moments before True Eagle event

This archived article was written by: Shadayah Jones

On the eve of Valentine’s Day, during the Stop Light Dance, Gibby was defaced just before the Annual Spring True Eagle. Earlier that day members of the Eastern Student Association devoted several hours and about $95 to paint Gibby for True Eagle which was to be held that night at midnight. ESA bought many supplies to make this True Eagle’s Gibby paint job special for the holiday. Sometime between 10 and 11 p.m., Gibby was ruined by an individual who painted over ESA’s hard work with black spray paint.
Miranda Cox, vice president of activities, says the students who took it upon themselves to paint Gibby for this event spent a lot of time preparing and painting Gibby. Taren Donaldson, operations manager of ESA, along with the help of SUN Center leader, Sarah Olsen, spent about an hour painting Gibby and decorating for True Eagle.
During the day before the event, I was able to see Gibby and all of the individual’s hard work. Later that evening while entering the student center, minutes before True Eagle, I noticed that Gibby’s paint job had been ruined by black spray paint. My first reaction was anger because I knew how much time and money was put into that project.
While talking with other students who were present at True Eagle, many of them stated how much they thought this action was disrespectful and childish. This defacing did not stop True Eagle from continuing and there was a great turn out of about 150 to 200 students in attendance.
There are no rules saying that students and members of the community are not allowed to paint Gibby. However this particular paint job with black spray paint was not ethically acceptable. Technically nothing was done wrong according to the student code of conduct, but what they did was not right by any means.
It is extremely upsetting to me to think that someone would ruin someone else’s hard work. The way that Gibby was painted over was rude and many students agree.
I don’t know the intentions behind whoever did this, whether it was a rebellion on Valentine’s Day, or if it was just to have fun, but the bottom line is someone’s hard work was ruined. I am not saying that students should stop painting Gibby, but don’t maliciously paint over something that someone else worked hard on to advertise an event. If it was my hard work and time that was ruined like that I would be extremely upset.
We all need to work together on this campus and have respect for one another. Students are preparing their lives for the outside world. College is a time to have fun, but it is also a time to grow and mature as well. I do not believe that whomever ruined Gibby for True Eagle was acting to their maturity capacity. I know that many people were upset about this situation and many thought that these actions were rude and disrespectful and I agree completely.