March 9, 2025

Learning to let loose on the dance floor

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This archived article was written by: Dixon Woodruff

A few years ago I lived in Colorado where the Rockies are majestic and the marijuana is legal. My family and I came to Price one weekend to visit family. We were enjoying our time together and along comes some old family friends, including my first best friend. She was attending school here (CEU) at the time. It was the eve of the infamous Lite Brite dance. She extended the invitation for me to join her for a night that promised adventure and excitement. Little did I know that my decision to join her would shape my destiny and put me where I am today.
As we pulled up to the building where the dance was held, my heart began to race. The deep bass and flashing lights were impossible to ignore as we drew closer to the entrance. Before I could get my bearings, we were in the center of the dance floor. Paint rained down like candy from a piñata. My senses were overwhelmed and as I was about to flee the scene, a strange thing happened. A familiar song came over the sound system and my soul began to let itself be free. I danced. Never before had I spoken the words of my heart through a medium other than words. I realized that not only was I moving to the beat, but people began to watch me. I was a good dancer and nothing could stop me after that moment.
When the night ended and the only thing that remained were the tangible memories from the night, I was stunned. I had so much fun that I changed my whole life path and started plans to come to Price, Utah, for school. I now find myself happily attending this magical school. Many dances have come and gone. The venue may change, but the release of the soul remains constant and firm. Dancing in the emergency exit for the heart.
Not everyone is gifted with rhythm and can dance well. The simple fact is that when it comes to dancing, many people look like they are fighting a wicked case of diarrhea. They are not confident and it shows. I know simple dance moves that look good, are versatile and help the soul breathe. I am willing to share from my deep well of dance wisdom so pay close attention and be prepared to boogie.
The first tip may be the single most important dance fundamental of all time. An aspiring dancer must never worry about what other’s think. Our awkward dancers with an apparent loose colon are fence sitters stuck in no-man’s land. They are worse off than the stuck up crowd keeping the chairs warm. They cannot dedicate their moves to their inner song. Learning to release all inhibitions will help improve dancing more than any other way. We have all seen the dancer that doesn’t need an audience, but frequently attracts one because they are dancing as if their soul is saying, “I just crapped myself and I don’t care.” Instead of twisting, swaying and convulsing like a laxative-filled human, just let your soul release its metaphorical bowel movements. In essence you must release you inner Kraken.
Now that we look like morons on the dance floor, we are prepared to put some actual moves into our routine. The arms and legs are auxiliary tools in your rhythmic armada. They can flail and flap around like wind-blown snot hanging from a toddler’s nose. The true power and passion comes from the booty, the pelvis, the hips and, if available, the chubby tummy. Learning to utilize each of these sassy body parts will ensure success at the next rave.
Here are a few moves that utilize what we want to flaunt. Few moves make a statement as bold as a groin thrust. Twerking is a relatively new move in which the dancer shakes their bottom like a martini. If the cheeks permit, learn to shake thine bottom like there is no tomorrow. If we are dancing the truth of our soul, our hips are shaking like Rose and Jack shortly after the Titanic went scuba diving. A dance icon today is Shakira and her hips don’t lie. Shakira is honest with her spirit and body. If you are blessed with a jelly belly, then for the sake of all that is good and holy, shake that bread dough.
The final piece of dancing gold is to find a song that really defines you and practice. There is no guarantee that you will be able to dance well in a short period of time, but persistence leaves no room for doubt that with enough time you will be able to dance well. Until that point, it isn’t a bad idea to keep your dance rehearsals in private until the big school dance.
I close with a quote from Men at Work, “We can dance if we want to, we can leave your friends behind. Cause your friends don’t dance and if they don’t dance, well they’re no friends of mine.”