March 9, 2025

Herzog resigns to take VP position in Minnesota

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This archived article was written by: Hailey Evans

Alex Herzog Ed. D., arrived at USU Eastern in December 2008 from the University of Nevada at Las Vegas, starting as dean of students. Eventually, he took on the responsibilities of the campus auxiliaries which include
the post office, food services, student housing, etc.
He lead the student services team when the school merged with Utah State University, and with his staff created an improved student code of conduct, updated student related policies and procedures and overall created a better environment for student success.
Herzog focused strongly on improving student lives on campus by supporting their academic endeavors and helping remove obstacles with the help from places as the counseling office and disability resource center.
He put forth a great effort to listen to the voice of the students and being responsive to their needs, which he then tried connecting with the faculty to provide the best customer service to the students as possible. He says one of the best meetings he had was with the Gay Straight Alliance group where they discussed the difficulties they have on campus, and how the faculty and staff can become better advocates for them.
Looking back, Herzog says one experience that really sticks out is when he and James Prettyman, of campus police, went on Spring Breakaway with the SUN Center a few years ago and was able to provide service and hang out with the students. Whenever he went to a student activity and get involved, will be some of his favorite memories. He says he tried to avoid the activities at the pool however, because he knew he would end up getting pushed in.
A firm believer of trying to leave something better than when you found it, he feels that this was the case when it comes to his time spent here. He says he’s proud of the conduct code created.
He is also proud of the faculty and their dedication to the students, and their ability to create a strong close-knit team.
There are many little things he didn’t get too that he wishes he could have. He would love to see the school get more advisers on campus, and implement more tools that would help students become more successful. His favorite part of being in this position is being able to work with the campus community, with the students, faculty and advisers.
Herzog’s service involvement was not just isolated to campus. He was a board member of the Price Kiwanis Club for the past four years where he assisted in implementing major events such as Kid’s Day, The Radio Auction and the Duck Derby. Not getting involved is not an option for Herzog.
He says what he will miss most is he caring people of Carbon County. When someone is in need the whole
community steps up. “I’ve made some life long friends here and have some great memories. It’s not goodbye, it’s more like I’ll see you later.”
Herzog has accepted a new position of vice president for student affairs and enrollment at Rochester Community College. It is a two-year institution in Rochester, Minn., with 6,000 students.
One of the departments he will be over is athletics, however, they do not have any housing on campus, which will be different for Herzog.
The school has a wide array of technical fields. The town itself has the Mayo Clinic, which is one of the premier medical facilities, and there is a partnership between it and the school to provide the students more workforce experience.
Regarding Herzog’s resignation, Chancellor Joe Peterson wrote in an email, “We’re all aware of what a great leader and friend he has been. He has poured energy, insight and commitment into USU Eastern, and the college is better for his having been our colleague. As you see him during the coming month, take the opportunity to learn from him about promising new prospects, thank him for all he has done, and wish him well.”
Herzog would like to thank The Eagle for all their support over the years.
He says, “The reporters have been fantastic and Dr. Polster has been a g r e a t supporter for student services.”