March 9, 2025

Student fees reallocated with no increase

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Students will not have to reach deeper into their pockets next fall for student fees as they stayed the same in 2013-2014 and in 2014-15: $235 per semester.
According to the 2015 USU Eastern Student Fee Recommendation report of the Price campus, “It is proposed that total fees be increased from $235 to $236.50. “
The rational for one of the changes is the radio station is no longer student based and the $2 allocated to it can be returned to the overall budget. The Eastern Student Association is willing to reallocate some of its monies to build a program to support non-traditional and multi-cultural students. They are taking $2 from their funding and moving it to the non-traditional and multicultural student funding.
Funding was added to student services to build expanded student programs and provide a more inviting atmosphere in the student center. Their funding increased from $7 to $7.50.
The testing center expanded its hours of operation and need additional part-time student employees to cover these hours. Fifty cents was added to their funding making their total $1.50 per semester.
Looking back at this past year and forward to the future, it is felt that in order to support our goal of “four in four”, expanded services for non-traditional and multicultural students be addressed, i.e. the creation of on-campus child care and the creation of a multicultural association.

“Student fees are used to fund all student services on campus. They may seem like an unnecessary expense, but without them, USU Eastern would not be the same”
-Former member of the Student Fee Allocation Committee