New, improved concession’s stand

This archived article was written by: Hailey Evans
As USU Eastern’s Director of Academic Records and Registration, Jan Young, has always loved sports. Her daughter, Courtney, played volleyball for the Golden Eagles and now her son, Derek, plays baseball for the college. She said she would go to his games and noticed that in comparison to other school’s full-service concession stands, the USU Eastern stand needed a little fixing up.
After talking with Vern Bales, USU Eastern’s Staff Association President, an email message was sent to the USU Eastern faculty and staff asking for volunteers to help get them more involved with the baseball program. Several staff and faculty stepped “up to the plate” and generously donated their time, working the stand. By bringing attention to the program, more faculty and staff began attending the games and actually know where the baseball field is located.
Two of her employees, Cirie Noyes and Erin Rowley, gladly volunteered and after working one day selling concessions, they knew there was some work that needed to be done at the baseball concession stand. It first started out as just a little spackling and paint job, but then their husbands got involved.
Originally, there was no appropriate carpet down, and wires were running across the floor and were constantly being tripped over. It was mentioned that some spectators were even hesitant to order a hamburger because of the condition that the building was in. Outdated College of Eastern Utah pennants even hung on the wall, so it was obvious that this place was past due for a 2014 face lift. Several new electrical outlets were installed, walls were sheetrocked and anchored and lots of paint was used.
Sutherlands made a generous donation of new indoor/outdoor carpet. Paint was donated by Rowley Pinstriping. Head baseball coach Scott Madsen provided sheetrock and other materials for the project. Coach Madsen has been great to let the “ladies” take the project and run with it. He was so thrilled with the work that he jumped right in and organized his uniform closet.
Out of pocket, Seth and Cirie Noyes and Brett and Erin Rowley donated approximately $225 between them. B. Rowley is a professional painter and he provided the signage and the eagle head inside the concession’s stand.
Noyes, as well as her husband Seth, donated approximately 40-service hours. Even her two young daughters, Madison and Jade, helped out with the painting. C. Noyes said she wanted to have something that the baseball team could be proud to have open, and see that there were people on campus who cared what their facilities looked like, along with what they were doing out on the field.
E. Rowley hopes by them doing this project, the team knows that they are cared about and their program is supported by the USU Eastern staff and faculty.
There is now a variety of products to choose from at the remodeled concession stand, including pulled-pork sandwiches, quarter-pound hot dogs, hamburgers, popcorn, nachos, candy, and T-shirts are available for purchase as well.
The team’s last home games will be April 18-19. A double header, starting at noon, will be played against the Utah All-Stars. The next week the team will travel to Rangely, Colo., to play Colorado Northwestern Community College and then on to the regional playoffs.