March 8, 2025

Depression isn’t in your head

This archived article was written by: Josie Sue Slade

Depression can sweep over a person without prior warning or reasoning. This illness can drastically change a person’s life. People with depression often suffer a myriad of both physical and emotional changes. These symptoms can destroy relationships, goals and careers. They vary from person to person but the result is the same, an encompassing hopelessness that takes over their life.
Depression is accepted as a disease you cannot control on your own; yet, a taboo lingers over the disease. People are not only afraid to talk about depression, but also do not seek the help they need. As a result, people suffer in silence every day.
At USU Eastern it is no different. Students experience symptoms, but rarely seek the help from a professional they desperately need out of fear or shame.
A survey on depression was conducted on campus and the results showed some surprising numbers. Thirty-two percent of students at USU Eastern have considered committing suicide; yet, only 21 percent of the student body has been diagnosed with depression.
Seven percent of the student body believes that depression is something to be ashamed of, and several students remarked that they are afraid to speak about troubling thoughts they are having. Even though depression is a disease a person often can’t help, people are still afraid of getting help.
Depression manifests differently in every person. Some of the common symptoms include feelings of helplessness, a loss of interest in normal activities, self-loathing and anger. While one person may experience extreme sadness, someone else will grow angry with themselves and the world around them.
Seventy-four percent of students know someone who has committed suicide. This number is a stark representation of what is wrong in modern society. People are not getting help when it is needed and lives are lost that could have been saved.
USU Eastern offers counseling for depression and other problems that face students every day. These services are conducted at the Disability Resource Center and are there for everyone on campus. If you or someone you know is having a problem, please contact the DRC, located in Room 223 in the Jennifer Leavitt Student Center. You can make an appointment with Darrin Brandt by calling (435) 613-5670.
Remember there is help out there for depression. You are not alone and there is nothing to be ashamed of. More people need to be seeking out solutions to their problems rather than hiding them.