October 22, 2024

Women soccer continue to win; nationally ranked


This archived article was written by: Karen Reyna

Already four weeks into the school year and athletic department is doing better than ever. Last weekend with a score of 1-1, the girls went against Western Wyoming Community College. Although they ended with a tie in double over-time, the women’s team played their best possession game yet. They had many opportunities to score, but didn’t finish because the game was canceled.
The women are representing USU Eastern with 9th in the Nation in D1 Jr College rankings, and it’s only a first-year program. The team’s goal is to improve everyday and win a national championship in November.
Kira Tadahara stated, “We have a lot of potential and I think we’re doing great, especially since this is the inaugural season. I mean, how many other first year soccer teams can say they’re placed 9th in the nation? Not many.” For it being their first year, they are doing a great representing USU Eastern. Defender Alia Cook stated, “I think one of the reasons we’re doing so well is that we’ve all blended so easily even though it’s a first year.”
Last weekend one of the goal keepers was injured. Tadahara stated, “The refs had some awful calls, and I mean like super terrible, as in it cost us the game.” One of WWCC’s players was off sides, made a goal and kneed Julie Gibson in the face. She ended up getting nine stitches on her lip. Forward Mashaela Farris said, “I’ve never been so angry at a ref until I saw Juili’s lip. He should have called the foul and we should have won.”
Tadahara stated, “When we would bump into them you know just playing normal soccer the refs would call it a foul every time!” Even with the bad calls, the girls still tried their best and tied the game.
On September 19th the girls will be going up against Mesa State University Club Team, and we wish them the best and hope they come back home with a win. Winning this game will get rid of the “bad taste” in their mouth from the last game. With soccer being a new sport this year, they are off to a good start.