October 22, 2024

An interview with Kris Alley

This archived article was written by: Ciarra Cupples

Meeting Johnny Depp while he was filming “The Lone Ranger” in Shiprock, N.M., is one of Kris Alley’s favorite stories. His background is eclectic with experience in several fields. 
Alley was recently hired at USU Eastern to help make a better learning experience for all students. Alley goes to all of the high schools in Carbon and Emery counties to help students keep up their grades and helps them find scholarships.
He is not just here for the high schools, he says, he is here for USU Eastern students. Alley works for the GEAR UP program that helps students with homework, tutors when needed and even helps students get involved in school activities.
Alley’s background includes teaching. He also has coached football and basketball. “I absolutely miss teaching and sports. I miss seeing the students on a daily basis.”Alley loves helping students to be the best that they can be. He misses teaching and coaching, but loves helping students through GEAR UP. “The best part is the chance to help and impacted youth, and trying to help the disadvantage students with what they need,” Alley stated.
“I have worked as an educator and I worked for Wal-Mart, Price City, and a video editor,” Alley said.
Don’t let that fool you because Alley has a lot of fun when he can get an instrument in his hands. “I play music, drums, keyboards, guitar, bass and vocals.”  
“[Alley] is a strong advocate for our students. He enjoys getting to know them and working with them at each of the schools. He makes sure the students know what opportunities are available to help them get to college such as financial aid and scholarships. He’s always talking about the monies available, influencing them to set their education goals a little higher,” GEAR UP director, Brenda Rawson, said.