Fan Appreciation Night

This archived article was written by: Bonnie Blackburn
Every year, USU Eastern sponsors a fan appreciation event celebrating USU Eastern fans as they show their support at a home basketball game. Huge prizes are given away and excitement fills the BDAC gym on these evenings.
The 2015 Fan Appreciation Night is Thursday, Feb. 5. The women’s game starts at 5:30 p.m. and the men’s game at 7:30 p.m. The home games are against Eastern’s closest rival, Snow College.
This year for Fan Appreciation Night, USU Eastern has some big plans. Similar to past years, prizes will be awarded to fans that appropriately show the most school spirit and participate in activities during the game.
Working with the community, and specifically Tony Basso GM, a car will be included as one of the evening’s giveaways. Other prizes will include a TV, Jazz tickets and more.
The USU Eastern Library distributed a coloring contest to celebrate the USU Eastern verses Snow College basketball game. Students, faculty and the community are invited to participate. Details can be found on the coloring page flyer. Entries are due to the library by Feb. 3.
There will be nine winners of the contest, which will be presented at the game. The basketball team has distributed coloring contest pages to local elementary schools in an effort to reach out and include all members of the community.
The Residence Halls will be contributing to the evening as well. As a contest, each hall will plan and create a Badger piñata. The Badger is Snow College’s mascot so to express the rivalry against them; the piñatas will be wrecked during the big game. The USU Eastern Welcome Center hosts an Eagle Experience, which brings potential students on campus to experience what Eastern has to offer as well as allow them to take part in the excitement of that night. USUE invites all to join in the support and enjoyment of Fan Appreciation Night and reminds students/faculty to wear their game day T-shirt to the game.