Lee: plays violin & is trilingual

This archived article was written by: Carly Dalton
Chia Yin Christina Lee, a trilingual USUE student who is honest, hardworking, and devoted to all her endeavors in life, is fluent in English, Mandarin and Cantonese.
Lee is from Taiwan, but when she was young, her family moved to Hong Kong. She has two younger sisters that she is close to.
Lee’s main hobby is playing the violin and has played six years She would like to use her talent as a violinist to play in an orchestra.
Hanging out with her family is the most memorable time she remembers in her childhood. “Every Sunday we would have family time with dinner, we would hang out and play games, go hiking and laugh with each other.”
Lee’s dream job is to work with an international company, to use her loving personality to get to know people from all over the world, to learn more of their culture and language.
A dream vacation for her would be to go to France to work on her fourth language. She wants to, “live with a host family so that I can listen to the language to learn it faster, and to learn the French culture because it is awesome.”
Lee lives a pretty mellow life and the craziest thing she has ever done is when, “my friends and I would ding dong ditch my neighbor’s house.”
The biggest change that she has experienced is coming to the United States. “In Hong Kong it is really hard to get into college with the amount of colleges to the ratio of students. It’s a totally new life, it was hard to get used to at the beginning”
Lee’s role model is her father. “He is super nice, willing and I really like his patience, he is like a lamb and doesn’t get mad easily. He finds every challenge to be a blessing which strengthens him.”
The people that have influenced Lee the most are her parents and her violin instructor because he is strict. “If I made a mistake, he would throw his bow at me and tell me to do it again. This helped me learn it very quick.”
Lee’s greatest accomplishment in life, “is passing the international violin exam.” This means she is certified to be a violin instructor after playing six years.
The best advice Lee has been given from her parents, “is to be kind to others, but strict to yourself. The best thing she learned from her violin instructor is, “efficiency and to save time and money.”
Lee’s favorite part about living in Price is the small campus. “Everyone is so nice and waves and says hi when you pass them, and you get to meet a lot of new people all the time.” She enjoys living in Price and loves her experience here so far.
Lee’s New Year’s resolution is to serve a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and hopefully can go in July 2015. She wants to be able to help her younger sister, who is coming to the US soon, adapt to the culture and spend more time with her.
If Lee could choose any super power it would be to save time. If she has a lot of free time she would want to be able to store it, so that on days where she is busy and doesn’t have enough time, she could reuse it.