March 14, 2025

Under the crown


This archived article was written by: Danielle Parke

Every one of us experiences changes in our lives in one way or another. Whether it be small like switching up your daily routine, or large like moving away from home, we deal with change on a daily basis.
Since being crowned Miss USU Eastern in November, I have been asked multiple times what I want to change while holding this title. At first I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to change, but as I’ve began promoting my platform, it’s helped me realize what change I hope to bring this year.
Following the pageant I decided to change my platform. My platform before focused on helping adult children care for aging parents. In honor of Taylor Johnson and Hailey Evans I have reformatted my platform to focus on promoting safe driving and seatbelt safety. I hope to bring awareness not only to our school, but also the community, in hopes to prevent such tragedies from happening again. I have been working with the SUN Center here at the school to help promote this mission.
We all deal with change in our lives, big or small. I have taken the opportunity to make changes to my platform focus which I hope will make lasting impressions and save lives. Let us all embrace change. Good changes, ones that will leave us better, safer, healthier, and overall happier than before.