Hall Brawl: battle of the dorms

USU Eastern’s Office of Residence Life hosted their second annual Hall Brawl competition prior to the start of school. The Brawl featured events from last year and newly added events including: ultimate Frisbee, eating contests and a flag-decorating contest.
The director of residence life, Jeff Spears, said, “We wanted to create new events that capture the bonding experience of new students starting at a new school. Ultimate Frisbee and other competitions encourage teamwork and camaraderie amongst the different student groups.” The event was well attended with all four halls and an off-campus team showing up to the numerous events with over 100 students each day.
Burtenshaw was the winner last year and showed up in force to defend its title. The hall won the Captains Coming challenge in which students had to respond to different requests in a Simon Says format. Tucker and Sessions were represented well in the eating competitions.
Tucker won the pie-eating competition, while Sessions won the bobbing for apples and the watermelon competition. On the Saturday night cap, Session defeated Aaron Jones to score their third point in the challenge. Aaron Jones did well in all the competitions, but has yet to secure a point on the scoreboard.
The challenges will also continue throughout the semester. Spears said, “We are trying something new this year. The Hall Brawls will continue throughout the fall and spring semester. These activities will encourage getting involved in more campus activities and earning points for their hall through participation.”
The next Hall Brawl event will be the United Way of Eastern Utah’s Annual DAY OF CARING 2015 on Sept. 12, at 7:30 a.m. Participants will meet at the Fresh Market parking lot with a continental breakfast provided by Fresh Market.
During this activity, students and members of the Price community will perform service projects in the community. A free BBQ at 11:30 a.m. for volunteers at the Washington Park is provided.
Terry Johnson, director of the SUN Center explains, “There are some specific projects set aside for college students at the event. Please let the volunteers know that you are from Eastern so you can be assigned to specific volunteer projects.”