October 18, 2024

Allie Kittell: from Los Angeles to Price


This archived article was written by: Kyndall Gardner

A freshman for the USU Eastern volleyball team. Born in Canyon City, Colo., living in Los Angeles two years, Allie Kittell finds herself in Price, Utah, playing the sport she loves. Kittell has lived in many places throughout her life. She has an older brother, three younger sisters, mother and father, and now finds herself studying for a career at USU Eastern.
Kittell’s favorite things about living in Los Angeles, “definitely the beach and the Mexican food. I absolutely love how big the city is and there is always such a variety of things to do. Los Angeles is a cultural place.” She also enjoys the color burgundy and her favorite dish consists of burritos and a glass of peach juice.
One thing that Kittell often gets teased for, “is being so positive. I always say how I love everything, I am never negative… so people often point out how peppy I can be.”
Kittell’s reason for picking USU Eastern is, “I picked USU Eastern because I called the coach and had a lot of other offers. My parents felt I should come here and something about the school just seemed like I knew I would have a good time here.” Her favorite memory with her team, “had to be the first week we had practice. We would have up to four practices a day and work so hard. We would always go to our coach’s house and eat an amazing meal. One time my teammate named Teah brought her guitar and started singing songs. We all just sat around and sang, that was a fun experience.”
One of her favorite trips with the team, “was when we went to play North Idaho Community College, the dive was beautiful because it was just about fall and we stayed in an absolutely beautiful place.”
One of Kittell’s worst dates, “was when I went on a date with one of my friends. He had taken me out to a corn field and we got lost. He continued to talk about the movie “The Children of the Corn” which I had never seen before. I was scared out of my mind and it was not fun. We were completely lost with no service. It was not a fun time.”
Kittell has enjoyed being at USU Eastern. “I love my team, we are all really good players and we are working hard to get to where we need to be.” One of her goals for this season, “is to end my season by having as much fun as I did when it started. I want to be able to look back at this season and know I had a great time with my team and gave everything I had for my team and for my coaches.”