March 25, 2025

USUE men’s basketball begins season


This archived article was written by: Kyndall Gardner

offensive and defense was on fire. Tevin Farris lead with 22 points, Walker 15 points and Sly 12.
With a 5-2 record to start the season, the USUE basketball team has already made an impact. They have been hard at work in the preseason and are ready for their time to shine.
“We have played very well as a team offensively in both our tournaments, having a lot of assists and second chance points. The biggest thing we’ve been working on is defense which we felt like we have done well in, holding our last opponent to 60 and 44 points. Overall, we feel good about where we are at right now and are excited for some tougher games going into the season,” says freshman, Alex Morrell.
The first two weekends of the Eagle’s season began with tournaments in Twin Falls, Idaho, and then back to Price. They played Planet Athletic, Hillcrest Prep and Taylors Made adding three wins to their record.
The team traveled to Arizona on Nov. 13-15 to play some tougher teams and unfortunately, added two losses to their
In their first game playing together as a team, the Eagles came out with a 119-94 win against
the Hillcrest Hawks.
Lamont Walker lead
the team with 20
points scored, with
Hamdi Karoui scor-
ing 19 of the 119
points and Solomon
Rolls-Tyson with 13
record. They went up against Arizona Western College to start the tourna- ment. Losing 66- 87, the men played hard against the men from Western Ari- zona. Karoui led the team with 16 points, Jaquaries Furlow 13 and Walker 10.
The next game
was played against
Planet Athletics.
The game was close,
but the Eagles came
out on top, 106-102,
with every point
critical. Walker
again lead the team
with 32 points scored.
Brandon Sly and Karoui were the next leaders with 18 and 17 total points, respectively.
The Eagles had a big win over South Mountain, beating them 98-89. Sly lead with a total of 20 points while Phillip Winston and Walker
photo courtesy Tyson Chappell
Coach Becheli
led with 17 and 16 points, respectively.
The next two-day tournament was played on their home court and was huge for the Eagles blowing Taylors Made out of the water, 136-60 and 139-44. Justin Pollman came out strong in the first game, being the team leader with 22 points fol- lowed by Walker’s 21 and Karoui’s 17.
The Eagles fought hard against Eastern Arizona College. It came right down to the buzzer, The Eagles barely lost 72-74. Winston lead with 19 points, Walker 18, with both Sly and James Furlow 10 each.
The next game, the team beat their opponent by almost 100 points, their
The team is excited to start confer- ence play and confident going into the season, Morell said. They hope to come out strong and be a team to look out for in the upcoming season.