October 22, 2024



Nathaniel Woodward: president
As a third generation Eagle, I feel I can represent not just the interests of the student body but those of the community which both are equally dependent on the success of USU Eastern. If elected, I intend to work on strengthening the relationship between USU Eastern and USU Logan in an effort to provide students more opportunities for bachelors and graduate degrees without having to leave our amazing campus. Also I will work to increase the budget for our athletic department which is currently funded dead last in the SWAC.

Paige Martinez: president
I hsve been a part of this school and this community for many years, helping with the Bread ‘n’ Soup Nights, working as the cafeteria cashier even in high school and many community activities. I was the president of many clubs in high school and won the Computer Technology Sterling Scholar Competition. If elected, I hope to change three main things: easier access to the student government for student concerns and ideas, more events for the non-traditional students, and more and improved places for the student body to spend their downtime. I believe in giving EUSA the friendliest face possible so that the students feel comfortable coming and talking to them about anything they would like done on their campus. I also noticed a lack of events and services for the non-traditional students and will work hard to change that. Lastly, the student body has limited places and options for their free time, and that needs to change.

Phill Raich: president
I am a dedicated and fun loving local. Growing up in Price, he has always been involved in the community and trying to help out in the best ways he can. Serving in student government ever since he was in the eighth grade, Raich has a passion for school spirit and serving those that surround him. He has awards for his efforts including Outstanding Male Student from the American Legion and a Community Development Award from the Carbon County Chamber of Commerce. His passions are anything automotive or computer related and will never turn down a cone of ice cream. Raich someday wishes to work full time in the development field for new vehicles. For the moment, he’s focused on getting the best out of what Eastern has to offer with his friends and looks forward to seeing what there is coming next on campus.

Alexandria Anderson: VP of student services & academics
I am running for executive VP because I believe that the student services on this campus are important to a great college experience. As a general-body student and a student leader I support several individual groups on campus.
If I get elected as executive VP of student services and academics, one of the first things I would do is promote more attendance at student service and diversity events.

Trent Malnar: VP of activities
I grew up on a farm in a small town in the middle of nowhere. I did horse 4-H for seven years. I learned patience from this, because the horse doesn’t always do what you want it to. I played football in high school which taught me hard work and to always keep trying. I was on the FFA student government. I was the treasurer for two years. It taught me many things such as taking care of money efficiently to know where it all went and where it is going to go.
I think that having a variety of different activities every year is important. If the same events keep getting done year after year, people get bored. Obviously there are some events that will happen every year without fail. I think there needs to be a good amount of variety too. Which might even mean taking old events and changing them into something new. That way you still get your big annual events, but it’s not just the same events every year. I think that doing this will help with attendance. This way people have an idea what they are getting into, but there will always be a surprise at the event.