Jason Maughan: baseball and his sophomore year at USU Eastern

This archived article was written by: Kyndall Gardner
Playing alongside his brother helped Jason Maughan decide to play for USU Eastern.
Maughan is a sophomore at USU Eastern and one of four children, two brothers and sister, that hail from Idaho. He tackles his second year of baseball as a pitcher for the Golden Eagles. His favorite drink is Mountain Dew, along with his favorite meal, “Chicken Alfredo, made by my mom that I always called white noodles growing up.” He plays alongside his older brother Trevor Maughan.
What Maughan enjoys most about Price is, “I really enjoy a drink place here called Chugg, they have amazing Stawberry Moutain Dew…I love that I get the opportunity to be here with my brother and play alongside him once again.”
If he could request one thing to change about Price, “I would have a Coast Vida built here. I truly love that place and believe it is 100 percent better than Café Rio.”
Maughan’s main appeal to choosing Price was,“because my brother had already gone here a year before his mission, If I came, I knew we would have the chance to get to play together and that’s why I chose coming to USU Eastern.”
A favorite memory with his team, “was last year we were playing Southern Nevada in Price. We got a no hitter that game, won the game on an error and still ended up beating them with a no hit.” He feels this season, “has gone good this far. We are a lot farther than we were last year. Last year we started off pretty rough. We just took two games from Southern Idaho and Southern Nevada. I’m pretty happy with where we are at right now, and am excited for what’s to come.”
The worst date for him was, “my senior year at Homecoming. My girlfriend and I had broken up about two months before the dance. I ended up going to the dance with a girl that always had a crush on me. My ex-girlfriend did not like her at all. I didn’t realize it until the date that my ex-girlfriend was in the same group as me. It just got awkward as the night went on and we had to see each other the whole dance.”
His dream date would be, “going to Seattle, Wash., to watch a Seattle Mariner’s game. We could do anything else after, but as long as we went to watch the Seattle Mariners, it would be the perfect date to me.” If he could choose to live anywhere in the world, “I would pick Seattle so that I could have season tickets to the Mariner’s games and would never miss a home game.”
After USU Eastern Maughan said, “I hope to meet a very attractive girl. I hope she is very rich. I am a very good singer and hope to find someone who can support me through my singing career.” His idea of the perfect girl is, “she would have to be smart and have a great personality. I don’t want to feel like I’m talking to a wall for the rest of my life. I’d prefer blonde or brunette hair, and she has to be very attractive.”
As Maughan takes to the field for his second year, he hopes to have a better year than the last. He is working hard to finish school and have a successful season with his team.