Students go to NACCA

This archived article was written by: Klever Barrezueta
Four members of Utah State University Eastern’s student government attended a three-day conference in Ontario, California to get idea for upcoming campus events Nov, 10-13.
College representatives from eight Western States attended the yearly conference hosted by the National Association for Campus Activities.
Diversity Representative Vivika Corona explained “The NACA conference is a conference in California for leaderships all over the West that talks about events that have worked for other schools and incorporating social justice and intersectionality to name a few and giving ideas for events.
Talents are invited to show case and if schools like their act they can book them at the conference.
Her favorite act presented at the conference was a black female comedian that talked about events in her life like dodging hands of people because they would always try to touch her hair.
The most interesting thing she learned was that bigger schools also struggle with attendance, not just smaller campuses.
Outside of this conference, Corona experienced her first Uber ride.
If she had the opportunity to go back to this conference she would because it was a good experience and hypes you up while refreshing ideas.
Evette Allen wrote, “NACA is the National Association for Campus Activities which is a premier organization for student leadership and involvement offices within student affairs. From the NACA website: “The National Association for Campus Activities (NACA) is the recognized leader in higher education providing knowledge, ideas and resources for campus life. We provide our members with programs and events focusing on student and professional leadership development, program planning, concert management, diversity and more. Our school and associate members also have access to one of the largest campus activities networking and talent buying resources in the country.
“We attended the NACA West conference November 10-12. Each year we take 3-4 students to the conference to obtain information about recent practices in activity planning, leadership, and campus life research. Students who attend the conference are expected to return with a report of 3-4 ideas from the conference that they would like to implement at USU Eastern. We have gotten some great ideas and acts from attending the conference (I.e. Dave Cavalier Band at Welcome Week). The students who attend receive such a great opportunity to network with other schools, share ideas, receive ideas, improve leadership practices, and overall make USU Eastern Student Life better.”