October 22, 2024

Student Spotlight: Mckenna Brown


This archived article was written by: Edmond James Sanders Jr.

Edmond James Sanders Jr.
Staff writer

A nursing major and center/mid-soccer athlete, McKenna Brown is a sophomore at USUE that just wrapped up her second year of collegiate soccer.
As transferring is in her plans, the school of choice is still undecided.
Brown is from Centerville, Utah, but lived in Rochester, NY, and Grass Valley, Calif., three-plus years each prior to moving to Utah.
Playing competitive soccer since 3, she said, “I always wanted to be like my older brother so my parents put me in soccer and we never looked back.” Soccer isn’t all she plays, she is involved in competitive weight lifting.
“Your enjoyment of life doesn’t come from your circumstances, you can always have and live a positive life, it just depends on your perspective of life,” Brown says, who reminds herself daily. “Twas I, tis not I,” meaning I can always do better and be better, I don’t have to be the person I was yesterday.
“My inspiration is drawn from my teammates. It’s knowing they’re in it with me, we’re getting better together and they’re right there by side in battle. And family because I want to make them proud and represent them the best way I can.” The best piece of advice I ever received was wisdom from my dad, “People will forget what you said, but never forget how you made them feel.”
Brown takes that same strength and passion into her training. “I don’t just get through a practice, workout or training session by just going through the motions, but work on optimizing those movements and moving efficiently and getting better with every touch of the ball and minute at work. Focus, fight, finish: I write that on my arm before every game. You have to have an end goal in mind, a destination even if it’s not necessarily in sight.”
Her talents aren’t just limited to the soccer field, weight lifting plate form or her admiring outlook on life and success. Brown is an artist, who can sing, long board, climb trees, adventuring and is an incredibly fast speed walker who probably will beat anyone on campus if you ever dare to challenge.
“Dreams are, but not limited to this list, play soccer as long as I can, become a nurse in the military to serve my country and aid the people who serve our country. Have a family of five boys, continue to draw and travel the world, but France is my dream tourist spot.
If this all doesn’t work out, stand-up comedy is calling my name, but with all jokes aside, advocating change and influencing lives positively is my mission,” says Brown. And to all those who don’t know, she was going to serve an LDS mission, but sustained an injury prior so she plans on making that dream come true as well.
What is the perfect day for Brown, “Start with morning workout, nice breakfast with French toast, fall season, play some soccer, go long boarding, do some art, spend time and stay up really late watching scary movies with my family.”
What’s the perfect date? “Go on a drive through the canyon, fall season, star gazing, and find a nice view, picnic with Dr. Pepper and Subway chocolate chip cookies.”
“If money weren’t an object I’d travel, pay off college, buy a lot of Dr. Pepper, start my own charitable foundation and buy Subway chocolate chip cookies,” said Brown.
If you see Brown around campus, you need to get to know a great athlete and even greater person. And just in case there is a zombie apocalypse, she already has an elaborate plan mapped out and ready to stay safe. So you might want to become friends with her! No matter what, she’s wonderful, get to know her.