October 22, 2024

Student spotlight


This archived article was written by: Terlynn Westphal

Born in Payson, raised in Emery County, served an LDS mission in Toronto, Canada, Marissa Urie attends her second year at Utah State University Eastern. Urie represents the university as an ambassador while preparing to join the family consumer and human development program at the Logan campus next fall.
“I had a really hard time choosing a major, but I knew it would have to do with families and children.” She also loves that along with this major is a broad choice of career paths she can benefit society. “It’s perfect and I love my classes.” Urie is excited to pursue her degree.
Urie has enjoyed her time at Eastern. “I love how community based it is. I am not just a number here, My instructors want me to succeed and understand that this is my future.”
Dedicated to her education, religion and leadership position, Urie attended one year of school before completing a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Canada. She loves being an ambassador for USUE and plans to carry this title with her when she transfers campuses to complete her studies.
Along with the ability to commit, Urie is hardworking and reliable. “My parents always taught me to work hard. It was always just an expectation to leave something better than you found it.”
A harsh factor in our society, Urie believes, is “the way people view themselves.” She continues, “Today, there is so much anxiety and self doubt. People believe that they can’t achieve their goals.” To combat this negative element, Urie expounds, “helping people to see their potential, to see how wonderful they are and that is is good to be different.” It is clear to see that Urie does this naturally every day by making those around her feel important and welcome.