October 22, 2024

Last will and testament of Nathaniel Woodward


This archived article was written by: Nathaniel Woodward

I don’t even know where to begin… 104 articles, 52,000 words on 142-typed pages over three years and it all comes down to this. My last editorial in The Eagle and for the first time in a long time I’m, struggling to find the words. I’m sure in the breadth of the English language there is the combination of words that will somehow sum up what this experience has meant to me, what this degree means for my family and just how much people I’ve come to know and love have meant to me.
The experience has not been an easy one, admittedly there were days when I stared at a blank screen scared of what I might end up typing having to be accountable for my ideas and feelings and that frankly terrified me.
In addition to the invaluable knowledge my degrees bestowed upon me, the experience of writing articles for The Eagle has shaped me in ways I could never have imagined, grew in ways I desperately needed and forged friendships I will never forget.
I went back to school to fulfill a promise I made to my daughter, that I would do anything in my power to make this world a better place for her, to ensure her future against the growing storm.
I was stuck in a world where too many people were counting chemicals instead of taking chemistry, where “natural” food fads quickly gave way to pseudoscience which hampered the progress of our species.
I simply couldn’t allow this trend to continue, so I threw my hat in the ring and haven’t looked back and I could never have done that without the support and friendship I found at USU Eastern.
Don’t get me wrong, it hasn’t always been roses. I’ve had my share of conflict with some in ad-ministration, something I won’t soon forget. But I refuse to let a few small hiccups blemish my feelings about this place, about the people I’ve come to know.
I know I will forget to mention several who have made a lasting impression on me during my time at USU Eastern and I hope they will forgive my oversight but there are some names I’d like to personally mention. From Drs.’ Olsen, Weber, Neel and Hatch my educational experience has been first rate and I will forever be grateful for your patience and understanding.
Dr. Tyson Chappell you opened my eyes to the mysteries of the cosmos. You unabashedly swept away the clouds of disbelief in my mind and revolutionized the way I view the world, without Dr. Chappell, I may have never have found my calling in life.
Noel Carmack: I am by no stretch an artist but the friendship you have shown this unskilled buffoon has been nothing short of charitable. While you had the audacity to give me an A- during my first year back I will never forget the depth of your passion for art which will inspire me for years to come. Larry Severeid, I know you’d hate for me to wax eloquent about my gratitude to-wards you so I will leave it at this: Radiohead, Shakespeare and cutting through the BS, my an-archist streak is entirely on you pal.
Finally I owe nearly everything to one person in particular who gave me a chance off of a hastily written Facebook message nearly three years ago. Susan Polster, you changed my life and I will never forget that. You welcomed a overworked student into your world and gave me a voice that has carried me to places I could never have imagined.
There aren’t words enough for me to ex-press my sincerest gratitude for you giving me a chance and standing by my side through thick and thin. No matter where I go or what I accomplish, I’ll always remember the day the Susan Polster gave me my shot. I am forever in your debt and you will forever be one of my dearest friends.
Well, this is it my dear Eagles and Aggies, the end of a long and wonderful journey that I will cherish for the rest of my life. It will always be one of my greatest pleasures having had this opportunity and I thank each and everyone of you who has stuck it out with me these past three years. Remember to question everything, I’ll see you out there.