February 23, 2025

What would make Price more of a “college town”?


This archived article was written by: Emma Campbell

Logan was rated the second best college town in the U.S. in 2014 by Utah Public Radio. When choosing the top college towns of America, they look for the number of professionals that live and work in the area, the amount of activities outside of the campus and the dining options in town. UPR writes, “Logan’s well-educated population, high employment, and affordable housing helped give the college town its high ranking.”
The Eagle surveyed a few students from Utah State University Eastern to find out what they think would make Price more of a college town.
The majority of students, 50 percent, want more shopping and restaurants. Cafe Rio, Panda Express, In-N-Out and Olive Garden are few food options young adults want in Price. Students dislike having to drive an hour and a half north to go shopping. Costco, Whole Foods, Ulta, GameStop and clothing stores are some shops that students want. Some suggested a trampoline park.
Forty percent of students said that the community needs to be more involved with the college. They want to see more events in the community that college students can attend. Another way for the community to be more involved is student discounts and discount nights.
Fifteen percent of students believe Price needs more student housing. They want more on-and-off campus housing options. Housing is either not affordable or practical for young adults going to school in Price.
Students who have suggestions on how to make Price a college town should speak to the on campus leadership teams that work with the community.
Price has the potential to be a great college town. It will just take communication and action, from students and the community, in order to make it happen.