October 22, 2024

Student Spotlight


This archived article was written by: Vivika Corna

Emma Thacker
Ever been to an event or dance on campus? Emma Thacker has been to most, if not all events last semester, and has more than likely been in charge of making the playlist or playing music at the event. Born and raised in Richmond, Utah, the 18-year-old is a cosmetology student and an operations manager for student government.
Operations managers are in charge of music and set-ups for student government events, and any other events if needed. “At first it was a lot on me because I had just moved out for the first time, and cosmetology is seven hours a day. On top of the responsibilities, of EUSA is a lot. Now I have a good attitude about it and it had been good so far”. If it wasn’t for student government, Thacker probably would not be as involved. So she is thankful to be active within the school community.
As for cosmetology, Thacker wants to do bridal style appointments and wouldn’t mind the typical cut or color appointments. Her dream job is to work as a cosmetologist on movie sets doing wild hairstyles for movies like “Lord of the Rings.”
A freshmen at Utah State University Eastern, she will be done with her degree next school year and wants to move somewhere warm or back to Cache Valley. She is looking towards going on an LDS mission as well. “I want to go out of the states somewhere where I won’t get sunburnt.” In reality she said she is fine with going anywhere.
Her favorite memory so far at USUE involves swimming in the fountain by the Eagle’s Nest and Aaron Jones. “My friends and I swam in the fountain because we are stupid”. Swimming in the cold fountain during the cold fall season? It’s surprising she did not get sick.
Thacker is grateful of the memories, and friends, she has made because she was extremely hesitant to come be a student at USUE.
“My whole life I’ve lived in college towns and this is not a college town.” She planned on going to Utah State in Logan, but things did not work out and she ended up in Price. Having a father who is a professor on the Logan campus probably helps with connections as well.
During her downtime she likes to play the piano and bake some of the most delicious chocolate chip cookies according to her friends. She also loves having sleepovers with her friends and spending time with her family when she can.
In the new year she hopes to budget better and be a happier and positive person. Already known for being positive and happy, Thacker is a huge advocate for being kind to others and having positive energy. She exuberates kindness and wants the best for others, but do not take this as “step all over me.” Thacker is not afraid to stand up for herself or others in what she believes in.
A role model in her life is her grandma. “She is a strong woman who has done a lot of incredible things in her life”. Her grandma and the rest of her family had also taught her the meaning of hard work.
If anyone needs their hair done, do not hesitate to request Thacker at the cosmetology department. Or, go up and talk to her she is more than happy to help out.