October 22, 2024

Dual-athlete Springer shines at USUE


This archived article was written by: Harlee Willoughby

Sidney Springer, a two-sport athlete, grew up in Delta, Utah. In high school, Springer played basketball, volleyball, softball and threw the shot in track. When she came to USUE her first year, she played volleyball and added basketball into the picture this year. Being athletic is an understatement when talking about Springer. She was a great asset to both teams, and was the first athlete in volleyball to earn all-conference, first team in 20 years at USUE. “Playing two sports is the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but the most rewarding thing.” Although her many talents in sports, she wishes she could sing, play piano and do gymnastics. Besides these wishes, one regret she had from high school is she wished she would have golfed instead of playing softball. There were more friends in that sport and her and her family enjoys golfing together. If she wasn’t playing sports, Springer said all she would be doing is going to school with absolutely no social life. From what several others know, that would not be the case. She is a social bug who everyone enjoys talking too. Springer enjoys going to USUE and loves all of the experiences she has here. “I have met some of the greatest people in my entire life. There are lessons I have learned from people like Coach David Paur, my coaches and my teammates that I wouldn’t have learned anywhere else because there are pretty incredible people here.” One of the most rebellious things Springer said she has done is disobeying her mother or back talking to her. A rebellious thing she has always wanted to do, is climbing the water towers in Delta. Springer is an excellent student and athlete, but her mom did have a worry. “My mom said I was never going to go anywhere because I couldn’t keep my room clean.” Joking of course, but she makes sure she keeps things clean now A couple of her favorite books are “To Kill A Mockingbird” by Harper Lee and “A Traveler’s Gift” by Andy Andrews. She claims she is not a big book reader, but read those in high school and loved them. If you want to make her dance, just start playing country music. Besides that era, she loves “Man in the Mirror” by Michael Jackson. Three things have the most meaning to Springer: her family, the gospel and her friends. If she could write a note to her younger self, she wishes she would have gone out more, and put more time into sports.“ Friends are important, but I missed more opportunities in sports because I loved hanging out with my friends so much.” Her favorite pastimes are sleeping/ napping. With any free time she has, she says she will sleep, no matter what time it is. As far as worst dates go, Springer says, “I’ve learned that no date is better than ever going on a blind date, worst decision ever!” If you are curious as to what happened, you will just have to ask her yourself. Springer doesn’t have a specific daily motto she lives by, but thinks it is, “Oh, I’ll do it tomorrow.” Being a two sport athlete, Springer says she loves reaping the bene ts of having two teams and how awesome both teams are. If others were ever considering playing two sports, she says, “If you can, why not? You only get experiences like these so often so you might as well take it.” Don’t take things for granted and enjoy all of the experiences. Springer said, “I love the hard practices just as much as the fun ones. We should enjoy the whole experience.”