February 23, 2025

Enrollment continues downward spiral spring semester


Enrollment continues to flounder at Utah State University Eastern as full-time equivalent numbers dropped to under 800 students spring semester 2018, according to the Board of Regents figures taken at the end of the third week.
FTE numbers are calculated by counting students who take 15 or more credit hours. Headcount enrollment are students who take at least one class, but not a full load.
In total FTE numbers, spring semester at Eastern is down 25 students from spring 2017, however budget-related FTE, Eastern is up 18 students from the same time frame. Non-resident enrollment grew by nine FTE students and 13-budget-related FTE.
Overall, 799 FTE students attend classes at Eastern while 785 are calculated in the budget-related FTE. Eighty five percent of the student enrollment are from Utah and 15 percent are from out-of-the state or country.
Eastern’s headcount is up from spring 2017. The total headcount is 1,102 for spring semester 2018 compared to 1,090 in ’17 which is up 12 students. Budget-related headcount is up from 999 in ’17 to 1,052 in ’18, an increase of 53 students.