Three elected to serve students
After 12 days of campaigning for the student government executive offices, three days of voting…

Bryce Gingery – President
As president, the first thing I want to do is hire a good team. If I have a good team, I can do my job well. I am excited to be Eastern’s new student body president. Remember, I am here for you.
Dalton Virgil – Executive VP
As the new executive vice president, I want to get leadership together and figure out next year with them. I am excited to get my EUSA team together and feel good about winning. It was a tight race and it was fun. I am excited to see how EUSA handles this change.
Jaylee Cox – VP of Activities
As vice president of activities, I want to unite all of EUSA since the majority of us will be new. I want to work closer with the leaderships and co-host events. I am nervous and excited for this position. I am nervous because I want to do a great job and make sure all the students are happy with the events. I am excited because I wanted to hold this position for a long time. I just want to get in and do my job and have fun with it.