Utah State University Eastern receives $1.4M bump to CTE

Utah State University Eastern receives $1.4M bump to CTEUtah lawmakers approved a $1.4 million appropriation increase for Utah State University Eastern during the 2019 spring legislation session.
The funding is to be split between the three Southeastern universities, $655,000 will go to USU Blanding and USU Moab. Eastern’s $1.4 share is to be allocated within the Career and Technical Education funding, going into effect fall 2020.
By that time, CTE students will see their tuition drop significantly in comparison to others enrolled in general associate of science programs.
In addition to the funding allocated for tuition decreases, the money will go toward the creation of an industrial instruments and controls program, slated to begin January 2020.
According to Vice Provost and Associate Vice President Gary Straquadine, the new program is for industrial scale manufacturers, power plants, coal mines and transportation systems. “The program will be a certificate that can be ‘stacked’ into an associate of applied science… even the bachelor of technology systems.”
Since 1967, the university has been devoted to being workforce responsible and industry-responsive, offering more custom-fit and high- intensive training in a short period of time.
Another goal of the CTE at USU Eastern is to ensure credentials are “stackable,” allowing for a high return-on-investment. Those interested in the program can reach out to Straquadine at [email protected].