March 13, 2025

Pullman named senior business manager

Sarah Pullman

By Alesha Lascano

There are some people who just know how to lead, and Sarah Pullman, senior business manager of Utah State University Eastern, is one of those people. She came to campus on Oct. 7, and her job is to work with faculty members and their budgets to ensure that the university’s financial plan stays on track.

            Finances are complicated in today’s economy, but due to her extensive business experience, Pullman brings viable solutions to the table to improve the management of fiscal reports and campus resources. This is her first position in an educational setting, and she enjoys the opportunity to help the college’s financial managers and department heads find the answers and clarity they need to continue providing a quality education to the students in Price.

            “There are so many pieces to the university,” Pullman said. “It’s all new, and I love taking in as much information as I can to understand it more. I am able to master new information almost immediately and train others to understand as well.”

            As the first college graduate in her family, Pullman understands the importance of higher education. She began her studies at Provo College in hospitality management, setting her on the fast track to become a successful leader. She put her skills to use at the Homestead Resort in Midway, Utah, and moved her way up from an internship as a sales assistant to the challenging position of marketing and revenue management director.

            While working her way up the corporate ladders in several different organizations by day, Pullman spent her nights pursuing a bachelor’s degree in business management and a master’s degree in public administration. Online classes made her education more accessible and gave her a different perspective on the modern methods of conducting business.

            “Learning to communicate, delegate, and share work is very different in [a virtual] environment,” she said, “but it taught me a lot about how business teams work.”

            She has been part of a considerable number of business teams in her years of managing. Through working for the Utah state government and several housing communities, Pullman accumulated an impressive repertoire of business skills, which will benefit the university for years to come.

“USU is an amazing employer,” Pullman said. “The position is exciting and applies skills from my education and experience. It’s amazing! Everyone has been so patient and kind while I learn.”

            She believes the same patience is necessary for the students at USUE. As a non-traditional student, Pullman faced many difficult situations juggling family, work, school, and extracurricular activities. However, she learned that support systems are essential and that it’s never too late to seek out assistance.

“If you are not understanding, find someone to work with you until you understand,” Pullman advised. “It is okay to say, ‘I need help.’ It is hard to decide what to do next, but if you love what you are learning now, you will love doing it as a job later. What you do has to interest and challenge you. If it does not, try something else that does until you find your passion.”

She definitely lives what she teaches. Even after successfully completing her formal schooling, Pullman continues pushing herself to learn, and she is looking forward to all of the opportunities that will come as a result of working with the business team at USUE.