March 31, 2025

Nursing program ecstatic at last semseter 100% pass rate

We often think about what the future has in store. A nice job, a happy family, money to spend, fun adventures and a good retirement plan. Unfortunately, as we grow older, our bodies become weaker and we will need medical assistance. Fortunately for us, Utah State University Eastern is providing the education to those who will care for us with 100% accuracy. 

At the end of the Fall 2019 semester, all 11 students enrolled in the HEAL 1000 class passed their skills and knowledge exam for CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) certification in the state of Utah. This is the first time this has happened in the history of USUE. 

Instructor Shelley Heath, along with her assistant Casey Hinkins, were ecstatic to find out that this group of invested students were able to pull off what they worked so hard for during the semester. 

Heath attributed this accomplishment to changes made throughout the semester and to her students’ work ethic and determination to succeed. Some of the biggest changes they made this semester was implementing something they called “focused groups.” During these focus groups, they would study for four hours at a time on one specific aspect of their job. Transfers, bathing, diets/swallowing and other focuses allowed them to hone in on what each aspect requires and how to do it properly without hurting the patient. 

At the completion of all the focus groups, they had something called the “final clinical shift.” During this they would go to a living assistant facility and put what they had learned into a real life situation, and live a day in the life of what they are trying to become.

Regarding the final clinical shift, Heath said, “Being able to do this solidified what they had learned in the classroom, helped them in the long run to remember all of the steps and taught them in a real life way about empathy, resident’s rights, communication skills and that no one resident is the same.” 

Taking the Heal 1000 course is a smart move for anyone interested in becoming a nursing assistant, registered nurse, or medical assistant. This course trains students in the fundamentals of nursing to become a CNA and is a prerequisite for anyone entering the MA program. This course allows students who are enrolled to understand the responsibilities of nursing and prepare them to take care of those in need.