Just vote, seriously

2020 is an important year for voting. This November, we have the opportunity to vote for the next president of the United States of America. That’s a pretty big deal, especially when we consider the potential candidates.
Whether you’re “feeling the Bern” or think we should continue the stride to “Make America Great,” it is important to consider your choices and more importantly, to vote! I know many people think voting is unimportant or that the electoral college has already made the decision for us. However, you have a voice for a reason and you should intend to use it.
In February 2020, elections for the executive team of the Eastern Utah Student Association will be held. Students will campaign and encourage students to vote for the three executive positions including vice president of activities, executive vice president and student body president.
Voting in the student body elections for this campus is important. As a student who attends this university, you should want your leadership to represent you and exactly what you want out of your experience at USU Eastern.
The candidates are students who wish to make a difference on this campus and you have the opportunity to make sure that they hear your concerns.
If you believe that you can be the change you want to see on this campus, there is still an opportunity to run for any of these positions. Pick up an election packet and signature form in the EUSA office upstairs of the Jennifer Leavitt Student Center.
The packets and signature petition forms are due Friday, Feb. 7, at 5 p.m.
It is imperative that you use your voice to make a difference, whether it be at your school, in your community, or even for the President of the United States.
Your voice matters and there are so many opportunities for you to use that voice this year.