February 5, 2025

USUE, MLK and service

On Jan. 20, American citizens took a day of remembrance for the life and contribution of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King changed the fundamental works of society by showing his power through peaceful protests and empowering speeches, ultimately giving his life in the pursuit of peace. A debt that can never truly be repaid. 

Seeing as this day is a federally recognized holiday,  many establishments closed shop in a show of respect to Dr. King. However, Weber State, U of U, Dixie State, USU  are some of the  colleges and universities who took part in a day of service to help give back as the man who inspired the holiday did. This is a large gesture and an incredible show of respect and admiration. 

So why did Utah State University Eastern quietly close up for the day without even a mention of this incredible man? That’s a question I have also. Perhaps it’s just the normal thing to do. Take the holiday as a time to regroup. Maybe something was in the works and the clock just ran out. Truthfully,  I have no idea,  but I have some suggestions for MLK day 2021. 

We could just do what the other institutions have done. Complete a day of service in honor of Dr. King. Go out in the community and help someone in need. Spread love for people like Dr. King once did. It could be so simple, we could just walk around and see who might need some assistance. You never know who’s struggling. 

What about a campus event? Bring a guest speaker or two to talk about how Dr. King inspires them. Give information about him that students might not know. Play his famous speech from Washington, D.C. on a large screen for everyone to see. 

What about a tribute walk around campus? Invite students to meet on one end of the campus and walk around the place, greet people, tell his stories and remember him with a gesture. 

Dr. King changed everything and he gave up so much to do it. He deserves to be honored in some way, his work is more than just a day off. Let’s do something, big or small, to honor his memory.