March 3, 2025

Eastern’s Queer Resource Center available to students

For many years, members of the LGBTQ+ community were outcasts, bullied for doing something “out of the norm.” Their identities were suppressed due to fear and they were unhappy with their lives. Now the community is more widely accepted. It is much less frightening to be a member of the community. While it has gotten better, many still need assistance in areas of their lives. 

Utah State University Eastern has seen the need for this program to help the students who identify as queer. 

The Queer Resource Center is a hub for the LGBTQ+ community filled with helpful resources for both members of the community and allies. It is a completely safe space to talk about experiences of discrimination, get support from other members and build a community within the USU Eastern Campus. 

Once a month, there is a “Flock,” a hangout for queer students to interact. It is a great resource if you are feeling alone and need to talk to someone who has gone through similar experiences. Currently, “Flock” is meeting via Zoom. For more information about the meetings, contact the QRC at [email protected]

Along with meetings for members of the queer community, the QRC offers ally training. These workshops are for anyone who wants to learn more about the queer community. Ally training is also over Zoom and is available for a group per student’s requests. Reach out the QRC for more information.

If you aren’t fond of Zoom meetings, you can find recommended books for you and your situation on the QRC’s website. It is full of recommendations for everyone within or outside of the community to learn about ways to cope with any conflicts that might come up. 

If you are non-binary or you simply don’t like gender specific bathrooms, the QRC has provided a map of the unisex bathrooms on campus in an effort to keep everyone safe and comfortable. 

The QRC also has events on certain days, such as International Pronouns Day. They are hosting two presentations on Wednesday, Oct. 21, to discuss pronouns and how to use them inclusively. 

The QRC is trying its best to help students feel safe and happy on and off campus. The new coordinator, Ra Eisert, has been open to communication and the university is grateful for the program. 

If you are a student who identifies as a member of the queer community or you would like to support, visit the QRC website or send an email. They are always willing to help.