March 30, 2025

The book worm chronicles: “The Hobbit”

The third book I recommend for my Book Worm Chronicles is “The Hobbit There and Back Again” by J.R.R Tolkien. Reading this book, taught me that no matter how small and insignificant you think you are or how you feel, you can make a difference, not just for you but for others as well. 

Bilbo lives in a hobbit hole in the ground. One morning Gandalf, a wizard, stops by to chat with Bilbo. He informs Bilbo that he is looking for someone to go on an adventure with him. Bilbo declines.

The next day Bilbo hears his doorbell and recalls inviting Gandalf for tea, but instead of the wizard at the door, there is a group of dwarves, 13 of them. Thorin, son of the dwarf king, starts to outline a plan on how to regain the treasure stolen by the dragon Smaug.

Gandalf reveals a key and a map of their journey which ends at the Lonely Mountain. heavy rains begin to fall during their journey. When it starts to pour, they stop to investigate a light. There Bilbo finds three trolls.

Bilbo decides to live up to title of burglar and attempts to pick one of the troll’s pocket. However, they quickly capture him. The dwarfs see what’s going on and try to save poor Bilbo. All of them get caught, but Thorin. He tries to free them, but fails.

Gandalf returns and occupies the trolls till dawn, then they turn into stone from the sun. They stop at Elrond’s Last Homely House in the Secret Valley. Elrond tells them the secret to get into the mountain.

The next morning the group heads toward the Misty Mountains. A storm has caused them to seek shelter in a cave. The cave however turns out to be an entrance to the Goblin Kingdom. Once again, the group is captured. Only Gandalf is free and he slays the Goblin King, and frees the party.

During the escape, Bilbo is knocked unconscious and is left behind. He awakes to find an object power which makes its wearer invisible — the ring. Bilbo slips the ring upon his finger and disappears and finds his way to the outside where he is reunited with his dwarf friends.

The Wargs (large savage wolves) chase the party into the trees. Luckily for them, the king of the Eagles spotted them. He and his Eagles swoop out of the sky and whisk the adventures to safety. The Eagles drop them off near Mirkwood Forest. 

This is where they come across Beorn, man who changes into a bear. He puts them up for the night and outfits them with supplies for their trip into Mirkwood. He warns them not to stray from the path in the forest.

When they are ready to enter the forest, Gandalf announces he will not be accompanying them in this part of the journey. In the forest, Bilbo finds himself separated from the group and finds himself tied down by a giant spider. He uses his sword to cut himself free and kills it. Bilbo finds his friends deep within the forest. They were captured by spiders as well. He puts on his magic ring and rescues them.  After escaping the spiders, they are captured this time by the Wood Elves. Bilbo puts his ring on and escapes capture. 

He formulates a plan to free his friends. He frees his friends and they head to Lake-Town. From Lake-Town, they venture to the Lonely Mountain where they quickly found the hidden back entrance.

Bilbo puts on his ring and goes to confront Smaug. It is there he notices that in Smaug’s underbelly, there is a place not covered by his iron-like scales. After conversing with the dragon, Bilbo returns to the party. 

Smaug is thoroughly angry about his little invisible visitor and heads to destroy Lake-Town. When the dragon attacks, Bard uses his black arrow to slay the beast. With Smaug dead, the men and elves go to claim his horded treasure. Their bickering was changed to alliance when the Wargs and Goblins approached, making it The Battle of the Five Armies. The Eagles, as well as Beorn, join the fray. The Wargs and goblins were vanquished. 

After the battle, Bilbo returns to his burrow under the hill with a chest of treasure, a ring of power and heart full of adventure.