$1.6 M project closes 300 east for awhile

Students at Utah State University Eastern recently experienced detour delays this semester since one of the main roads to campus, 300 east between 400 and 600 north, has been torn up and closed.
The road directly in front of the Jennifer Leavitt Student Center has been under construction since March. The project is being handled by Price city and overseen by Mayor Michael Kourianos.
Price city has dealt with water pooling in the roads for years and the construction is intended to fix that problem. Water pipes are being fixed and replaced under the roadway. New connections are also being implemented to decrease the chance of leakage in the system.
The cost of the project is estimated at $1.6 million and was given as a loan to Price city from the Community Impact Board. The CIB is an organization that generates profit through natural resources in the state and distributes them for projects like this one.
There is more work to be done on 300 east, but the project is running ahead of schedule and under budget. If the time and money is available at the conclusion of the construction, similar work may be started on 500 north. No completion date was given.
Mayor Kourianos understands how this may be inconvenient for students, but ensures that the project is necessary to benefit both the campus community and the citizens of Price as a whole. If you have any comments, questions or concerns, you can reach out to the mayor at 435-650-5049 or his email [email protected]