A drive to continue forward for Eastern’s Suarez

Marcos Suarez has always been a hardworking and positive person. No matter the situation or obstacle, he always comes out with a positive attitude and a drive to continue forward, which is something he has continued to do throughout his time at Utah State University Eastern.
Suarez grew up in the little town of Zacatecas, Mexico. He and his family then moved to West Valley, Utah, in 2008. Suarez grew up with three siblings and two parents.
Throughout his childhood there were a lot of obstacles his family had to overcome. One of those being moving countries in search for a better education and life for him and his siblings.
He describes his parents as hardworking, humble, caring and most importantly family oriented. His parents are his role models and they continue to push him to work hard in his schooling. Outside of schooling, Suarez loves to spend time outdoors. He loves soccer, mountain biking and hiking.
Suarez attended Granger High School and was involved in Latinos in Action. He graduated in 2018 and decided to attend Utah State University Eastern. The main reason he came to USUE was because his brother, Omar Suarez, was a student and played on the mens soccer team.
One day his brother decided to give him a tour and introduced him to many amazing people on campus, including faculty and staff. Suarez loved how student oriented the staff was and believed there were many amazing opportunities for him on this campus.
There are many things Suarez loves about the Eastern campus, but one of the biggest is the people he is surrounded by. He loves how the staff are humble and down to earth, which is something he values a lot. He also loves the fact that he has made so many life long friendships with not only fellow students, but also the faculty and staff on campus.
One of the most inspiring things Suarez learned at USUE is, “your past, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, etc., doesn’t define who you are or what your future looks like, it should only inspire you to keep moving forward to fulfill the dreams you want to reach for and make that change or impact the world is looking for.”
Suarez stated that a wise man once told him, keep moving forward, “echale ganas en esta vida para que un día seas alguien en la vida y ayudes a los más necesitados como nosotros un dia fuimos” that man was Ruben Suarez, father of Marcos.
He graduated with his associate degree from Utah State Eastern in 2020 and is a junior working on his bachelor’s degree in social work. Suarez hopes to attain the degrees that he needs to work in the social work field.
He hopes to be the person who can make an impact on people’s lives, especially in their time of need. One day Suarez hopes to not only be working in the career of his dreams, but also have a family of his own. He hopes to live on a ranch with four children or however many he is blessed with.
Suarez gives a special shout out to all the professors, faculty and his family who helped him along his journey through college and supported him through the ups and downs.
He feels humbled to have had the opportunity and experiences he has at Eastern.