September 7, 2024

Winners of student art show

The USU Eastern Art faculty judging the annual student art show and selected the winning entries. 

Noel Carmack, director of Gallery East and associate professor of art, reports that the competition was fierce. “As always, we were impressed with the work our students produced last year,” he says. “Chris Kanyusik, ceramics and sculpture professor, and Jason Huntzinger, photography instructor, both had outstanding work entered by their students this year. My drawing and painting students submitted some impressive work as well.”

After considerable deliberation, they selected the following winning entries:

• Best of Show: “Snail Vessel,” a ceramic sculpture by Jordan Mineer

• First Place: “Winter Owl,” a photograph by Jacqueline Blackham

• Second Place: “Wired,” a charcoal drawing by Amanda Kepsel

• Third Place: “Track Shoe,” a ceramic sculpture by Chad Page

• Honorable Mention: “Sakura Kiss,” a watercolor by Eliza Bradley

• Honorable Mention: “Converse,” a ceramic sculpture by Jillian Pugh

• Honorable Mention: “Up in Flame,” photo by Sydney Terwilleger

• Honorable Mention: “Pumpkins,” a charcoal drawing by Kristi Truman

• Honorable Mention: “Garden Boot,” ceramic sculpture by Teryn Allred

•  Honorable Mention: “Reflection,” a photograph by Diana Morley

Students with winning entries will receive an award certificate and a cash equivalent gift card. “We want to congratulate all of our students who submitted entries, along with the winners. All of the exhibited entries are worthy of praise, for their creativity, skill and craftsmanship,” says Carmack.