Jazz gives back

The Utah Jazz launched a scholarship
program last year that
gives students of color a fullride
scholarship to any of the
six major universities in the state of Utah:
Brigham Young, Southern Utah, Utah,
Utah State, Utah Valley and Weber State.
The number of scholarships awarded
is based solely on the number of games
the Jazz win during the regular season.
Last season, they racked up 61 wins
— and 61 full-ride scholarships for the
“We believe strongly in the power
of education to change lives,” says Jazz
owner Ryan Smith, who said last month
that the program will return this season.
“The Utah Jazz Scholars Program reflects
our desire to help students from
underrepresented groups who have
historically received fewer resources
and less support.”
What do you have to do to apply?
Well, there are a few requirements
to fulfill. Scholarship recipients will be
eligible based on the following criteria:
•Graduate a Utah high school.
•Be a person of color (Asian or Pacific
Islander; Black or African American;
Hispanic or Latinx; or Native American
or Alaskan Native).
•Demonstrate financial need.
•Gain admittance into one of the six
Utah universities.
•Be an incoming freshman enrolling
as a full-time student for the 2022-2023
school year.
The Jazz also give preference to
first-generation college students. The
scholarship covers tuition, books, fees,
and room and board.
“This school year has been a dream
for me,” says Joel James, who won the
scholarship last season. “I’m so grateful
for this opportunity and, of course, the
Utah Jazz organization and the players
for a winning season.”
“I think it’s awesome,” says Jazz point
guard Mike Conley. “I think it was something
that, as players, you play a game, but
ultimately, the most important thing you
can do is service in your communities
and help people out that otherwise might
not be able to help themselves in certain
for the Utah
Jazz Schola
rs Program
on Nov. 15,
ava i lable
at https://
s c h o l a r –