How safe are USU/USUE campuses

The Utah State Eastern campus has been a safe place the last three years, according to the just-released 2021 Utah State Annual Campus Security and Fire Safety Report.
The main campus in Logan had 17 reported rape cases from 2018-2020 compared to one reported case on the Eastern campus, and that one rape was reported in 2018.
There were 23 instances of stalking in Logan, almost 12 times as many as the two reported in Price.
On the surface, that makes the Eastern campus seem much safer than in Logan. However, adjusting for student population, crime has been similar and, at times, the campus in Price has been less safe.
There were 19,569 students in Logan in 2020, 13 times as many as the 1,493 in Price. Therefore, the rate of reported rape was almost identical. The Eastern campus has a larger police presence per capita with two full time and six part time state-certified officers. The Logan campus has 15 full time and five part time officers.
The Logan campus had 34 cases of forcible fondling, fewer per capita than the 14 in Price. Forcible fondling is defined by the FBI as “touching the private parts of another person for the purpose of sexual gratification, forcibly and/or against that person’s will; or not forcibly or against the person’s will where the victim is incapable of giving consent.”
Forcible fondling on the Eastern campus has declined from 10 in 2018, to four in 2019, to zero last year.
The main campus had 153 cases of drug law and liquor violations from 2018-2020, five times as many as the 31 in Price, but much lower per capita.
There was one reported robbery in Logan back in 2018 vs. none over three years at Eastern. There have been no reported murders, aggravated assaults, or other robberies on either campus over the past three years.
In an emergency dial 911. Price dispatchers will forward emergency calls on campus to campus police. Non-emergency calls can be made to 435-637-0890. Cases of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking may be reported to any faculty member, who is required to report to the Office of Equity, which has Title IX oversight.