March 17, 2025

Price medical marijuana pharmacy to open in November

    Price will be Utah’s 15th pharmacy licensed by the Utah Department of Health.

 Dragonfly Wellness will open a medical marijuana facility in Price and may also farm marijuana in the area. 

       It will be the first medical marijuana pharmacy in southeast Utah. A Price location has yet to be announced, but it’s expected to open in November.

     Utah’s medical cannabis program launched two years ago. About 40,000 Utah residents are registered medical cannabis cardholders and more than 800 medical providers have registered with the Utah Department of Health to prescribe medical cannabis to qualifying patients.

   Only two Price doctors are registered to write prescriptions, but more are expected to become registered once the pharmacy opens. Doctors who can prescribe as of now or Russell Beecher and Trent Greenhalgh.

    Price will be Utah’s 15th pharmacy licensed by the Utah Department of Health. Dragonfly Wellness, with headquarters in Salt Lake City, also grows and processes marijuana and is licensed by the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food. Utah law required the 15th pharmacy license to be given to a business located in either Daggett, Duchesne, Uintah, Carbon, Sevier, Emery, Grand, or San Juan County.

          License applications were evaluated and scored by an evaluation committee based on several criteria, including experience in medical cannabis or other highly regulated industries, a clean disciplinary record in Utah and other jurisdictions, an operating plan to ensure the safety and security of cardholders and the community, the extent to which an applicant can reduce the cost of medical marijuana, connections to the local community, and a strategic plan with a high likelihood of success.

          “The evaluation committee spent many hours evaluating applications from companies seeking this medical cannabis pharmacy license,” said Richard Oborn, Utah Department of Health, Center for Medical Cannabis. “The process was highly competitive and some qualified applicants were left disappointed, but that is the nature of a highly competitive process.

    “The Utah Department of Health is committed to ensuring patients have safe and reliable access to medical cannabis and we are confident that Dragonfly Wellness is well prepared to meet the needs of qualifying patients living in Southeastern Utah,” Oborn said.

          Information about how to apply for a medical cannabis card is available online at