March 4, 2025

Birth Control as a Steroid

Birth control is actually deprived of an anabolic steroid called Nandrolone, better known as DECA. Nandrolone—DECA–is a highly anabolic drug used by many bodybuilders because it gives the same muscle growth properties as drugs like trenbolone acetate.

It’s likely that everyone knows someone on birth control, and many people take it. But what’s in birth control, and how does it work?

Birth control is actually deprived of an anabolic steroid called Nandrolone, better known as DECA. Nandrolone—DECA–is a highly anabolic drug used by many bodybuilders because it gives the same muscle growth properties as drugs like trenbolone acetate. DECA usually has fewer side effects such as acne and hair loss.

Why can birth control put an anabolic steroid in their pills? Well, the Nandrolone (DECA) is tweaked and modified into a compound called Levonorgestrel. Levonorgestrel is literally Nandrolone (DECA) except instead building up your hormones like testosterone and estrogen, Levonorgestrel shuts down Hormones. It causes your body to think it doesn’t need to be producing estrogen.

In many ways, it is the same as how when bodybuilders take steroids come off the steroid, and become infertile from lack of testosterone. When females take birth control for an extended period of time without any hormonal support it causes the body to not be able to start up the production of important hormones. It causes the possibility of becoming infertile.

Birth control also has many side effects related to pill steroids such as breast tenderness, increased blood pressure, increased hunger, and headaches.  Some of these side effects have been called different names when related to actual “steroids,” rather than birth control. For example, Breast tenderness in men is called gyno. Gyno causes tenderness fat to get trapped in the breast, which is why many females have reported increased breast size when on birth control.

Because birth control shuts your body down from the Levonorgestrel, it may lead to mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. Some females also report that their feelings for people and things change when they’re on birth control versus when there off birth. This phenomenon is most likely a side effect of birth control changing the hormones in the body.

One of the craziest things about birth control is how it’s sought out by bodybuilders. Many bodybuilders take birth control because it shuts down the production of estrogen. When bodybuilders take steroids their testosterone levels increase, but their estrogen levels may also increase. This increase in estrogen can cause many non-desirable side effects as well as less muscular growth. Birth control is also sought out by bodybuilders by the simply because of how easy it is to find.