End Of Semester To Do List
With the semester coming to a close, there are many things that students need to prepare for. This end of semester to-do list can help students to remember all the things they need to get done before the end of the semester.

With the semester coming to a close, there are many things that students need to prepare for. This end of semester to-do list can help students to remember all the things they need to get done before the end of the semester.
Students need to schedule an appointment with their academic advisor.So they can help register for classes and keep students on the right path to ensure their academic success. The academic advisors at USU Eastern are so helpful, to schedule an appointment with them just go to their website.
Register for classes. The end of the semester is near, which means it is time to start preparing for the next semesters to come. Summer registration begins April 5 at 8:00 AM. Fall registration begins April 10 and ends on the 13. These dates are important to remember to ensure students can get into the classes they need.
Hangout with your friends. With the semester coming to a close, the majority of students move back home for the summer. This means that now is the time to hangout with friends and even connect with new people before it is too late. College is an amazing time to make these connections and create lifelong memories.
Begin the decluttering process. Throughout this school year, students have all collected some junk in dorm rooms that isn’t needed or want to take home. If students begin to declutter their room early, it will make the moving out process way easier.
Use your meal swipes. The cafeteria on campus is a great resource for students. The only catch is that swipes do not roll over and money is not refunded. Therefore, now is the time to start using up all those swipes to ensure that students get the most bang for their buck at the cafe. Pro Tip: If a student hasn’t used all of their swipes by the end of the semester, they can go to the cafe and swipe the rest of their swipes for bags of chips.
Go on one last adventure. For many students, this will be there last month here in Price, so make the best of it. Plan a party with friends, have a bonfire on C Hill, go look at the stars at the wedge, or just watch a movie in a dorm room. Whatever students choose to do, make sure it will make memories here in Price that students can tell their future kids about.