March 31, 2025

Grey’s Anatomy Review: Season 19

All the episodes of season 19 have not yet aired, but I am sure that Rhimes has many twists and turns coming our way. So, keep an eye out for the coming episodes, and if you haven’t watched Grey’s Anatomy before, maybe you should.

 Spoiler Alert

Grey’s Anatomy is a well known and loved television series that came out in March of 2005. It is written and directed by Shonda Rhimes. Since it was released, the show now has 19 series. The last season came out in October of 2022, then there was a mid season break and the rest of the season came out in February of 2023. 

   Grey’s Anatomy follows Ellen Pompeo as Meredith Grey throughout the series. She starts season one as a surgical intern at Seattle Grace Hospital. The same hospital that her famous mother, Ellis Grey, worked at. Although Ellis is a very reputable surgeon and was great at her job, she wasn’t a great mother to Meredith. This is a huge story line in the show because it plays on the fact that Meredith is “dark and twisty” because of her past. Shortly into season one Meredith finds her person, Christiana Yang. The two become inseparable, until way later into the series. 

   The 19 season series has insane twists and turns that include near death experiences, forbidden loves and saddening deaths. However, throughout all of these plot twists, Meredith still stays her extraordinary self. No one thinks that the show can go on without Meredith. But, in season 19 Meredith makes a crazy decision to move to Boston for the sake of her daughter Zola. This comes as a huge shock to the audience because no one ever thought Meredith would leave after everything she had been through at the hospital. Sadly, she does, but the show continues on with Meredith’s loved ones left behind at the hospital. 

All the episodes of season 19 have not yet aired, but I am sure that Rhimes has many twists and turns coming our way. So, keep an eye out for the coming episodes, and if you haven’t watched Grey’s Anatomy before, maybe you should.