October 17, 2024

Finals have arrived, here are a few tips

Finals Week at Utah State University Eastern is nearing quickly. The week that students will be tested on the material they have learned from Fall Semester will be held from Dec. 11-15. Finals Week can be very stressful for students especially for incoming Freshman who haven’t experienced college finals. These tips can help ease the stress and help you have a successful Finals Week.

Tip #1: Take Breaks

When we are constantly studying for a long period of time our brains tend to become stressed and strained. By keeping study times short, you have the opportunity to reset your brain for another round of study time. During breaks you can go for a short walk, eat a snack, call a friend, and most importantly decompress from the stress.

Tip #2: Get Enough to Sleep

According to the article, “A Study Guide To Getting Sleep During Final Exams” by Tom Ryan states, “If school and sleep don’t seem to go well together, it’s even worse during finals exams. The average college student only sleeps 6.36 hours per night during finals week.” The average adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep per night. When we are tired, we don’t perform our best. Make sure that you hit the pillow after a long day of taking tests and studying.

Tip #3: Eat Healthy

While studying for finals, the first thing we forget to do is eat. While it is much easier to run to a fast-food restaurant, that kind of food will not help stimulate our brains. Maintaining a healthy diet will help your brain stay focused. According to the article, “Best Brain Foods for Studying” by National University states, “The top brain foods for studying include: berries, citrus fruits, dark chocolate, nuts, eggs, avocados, salmon, and extra virgin olive oil.”

Tip #4: Professors are here to help!

It’s no question that USU Eastern has the best professors around. All of them are here to help us to succeed. If you are struggling with concepts or materials from class, reach out to them for help. Reach out to them via email, check their office hours, or go and find them before or after class to get help.

Tip #5: Choose the Right Study Location

Whether it’s sitting in the cafeteria, during lunch rush, or sitting in the library in silence, choosing the right study space is key to your success. You don’t want to choose a place where you know that you won’t succeed in your study goals. USU Eastern and places around town have great places to take a load off and study.

Tip #6: Do your best!

Not everyone is going to be great at every class they take. All we can ask of ourselves is to do our very best. President John F. Kennedy once said, “Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.” Remember during Finals Week that you will pass your finals, you will pass your classes, you will not be defeated, and you will finish strong.

Best of luck with Finals Weeks and enjoy your much deserved winter break!