March 3, 2025

USU plus statewide and all Utah’s colleges’ enrollment numbers

College enrollment across the state of Utah is on the rise. Per the Utah State of Higher Education, there’s been a steady increase in registration in public colleges, but registration over the last decade has declined in smaller campuses.

There is a headcount of 198,432 students across the State of Utah; Salt Lake Community College, Snow College, Southern Utah University, University of Utah, Utah State University, Utah Tech University, Utah Valley University, and Weber State university.

Out of the eight reported campuses on USHE, Utah Valley University had the highest enrollment with a headcount of 44,653 students. University of Utah was the second highest with a headcount of 35,310 students. Weber State University was third with a headcount of 30,536 students. Utah State University was the fourth with a headcount of 28,063 students. Salt Lake Community college was fifth with a headcount of 26,764 students. Southern Utah University was sixth with a headcount of 15,033. Utah Tech University was seventh with a headcount of 12,567 students. Snow College was eighth with a headcount of 5,506 students.

Enrollment in 2023, on the USU Logan campus, was a reported headcount of 20,007 students. In 2022, there was a reported headcount of 19,622 students; in 2013 a headcount of 17,906 students.

USU Eastern’s 2023 enrollment was a headcount of 1,204 students. In 2022, there was a headcount of 1,307; 2013 had a headcount of 1,574 students.

In 2023, enrollment at USU Brigham City was a headcount of 897 students. In 2022, there was a headcount 922 students; in 2013, a headcount of 820 students.

Out-of-State enrollment had a headcount of 838 students in 2023. In 2022, there was a headcount of 883 students; in 2013, a headcount of 1,504 students.

USU Uintah Basin was a headcount of 782 students. In 2022, there was a headcount of 731 students; in 2013, a headcount of 790 students.

USU Tooele was a headcount of 758 students. In 2022, there was a headcount of 726 students; in 2013, a headcount of 976 students.

USU International had a headcount of 728 students in 2023. In 2022, there was a headcount of 674; in 2013, a headcount of 857 students.

USU Kaysville was a headcount of 708 students. In 2022, there was a headcount of 539 students; in 2013, a headcount of 1,045 students.

USU Salt Lake was a headcount of 664 students. In 2022, there was 654 students; in 2013, a headcount of 813 students.

USU Orem was headcount of 403 students. In 2022, there was a headcount of 371 students; in 2013, a headcount of 324 students.

USU Blanding was a headcount of 395 students. In 2022, there was a headcount of 445 students; in 2013, a headcount of 657 students.

USU’s southwest campuses was a headcount of 251 students. In 2022, there was a headcount of 224 students; in 2013, a headcount of 256 students.

USU Moab was a headcount of 131 students. In 2022, there was a headcount of 124 students; in 2013, a headcount of 163 students.