March 31, 2025

WANTED: student interns at Smithsonian exhibit

A Smithsonian exhibit is coming to the Utah State University Eastern campus from January 20-March 3, 2024, in the Jennifer Levitt Student Center. The exhibit is titled “Crossroads: Change in Rural America” and looks at how rural America has changed over time. It offers communities a chance to engage in discussions about their past and where they want to go in the future. The exhibit is an exciting opportunity to connect with our community. A locally curated exhibit by USU faculty and staff titled “Power: Labor in Utah’s Coal Country” will also be on display with the Smithsonian exhibit. Additionally, a program of events will accompany the exhibit.

The USU faculty organizing the exhibit need student interns to oversee the exhibit.  You can earn 1-3 credit hours of USU 2250 or English 4900 to count toward your degree. All you need to do is work 40 hours per credit hour you register for over the course of the exhibit. No homework. 

You would be responsible for overseeing the exhibit to make sure no damage occurs, answering questions from visitors, counting visitors, and collecting comment cards. You could also potentially give tours to visitors and school groups. You will receive docent training from a Smithsonian representative in the week before the exhibit, and then your work would be completed by Spring Break. We would work around your schedule.

If you are interested in this exciting opportunity, please email [email protected].