March 26, 2025

Ways to enhance happiness

We have reached a point in the semester where some people start to feel the infamous “mid-semester slump.” We start losing the motivation to attend our 8:00 a.m. Biology class, write that 10-page essay that has been sitting in our Canvas “To-Do List”, or even simply attend fun events on campus.  

If this is you, you are not alone. According to the article, “Depression, Anxiety, Loneliness Are Peaking in College Students” by Kat J. McAlpine states, “A survey by Boston University researcher of nearly 33,000 college students across the country reveals the prevalence of depression and anxiety in young people continues to increase, now reaching its highest levels, a sign of the mounting stress factors due to the Coronavirus pandemic, political unrest, and systemic racism and inequality.” There are many ways to overcome this slump and start to bring that happiness back into college. 

Step 1: Find a New Hobby

Whether it’s sewing, basketball, painting, cooking, etc. there is always something that you can do to get your mind off of the stresses of college for a while. According to the article, “Fun and Fulfilling Hobbies for College Students” by Marketiff states, “Having fun, fulfilling hobbies can help you reduce stress, explore new interests, discover hidden passions… and even improve your grades!” 

Step 2: Go to Activities

Especially at Utah State University Eastern, there are always a plethora of events going on around campus. You can test your gambling skills at Casino Night, go swimming with friends at the Wave Pool Party, or talk to anyone from USUSA about an idea you have for an activity! You can find out about all these fun events on campus by looking at the White Board hanging outside the “Caf”, look at what is painted on Gibby, or look for flyers hanging around campus! 

Step 3: Make New Friends

The most important thing you can do in college is surround yourself with friends that make you feel good about yourself and motivate you to keep going. There are so many ways to meet new people at USU Eastern! You could join a new club, sit by someone new in class, hang out with someone new at an activity, or hang out in the lounges in the residence halls. Having friends throughout college will make your experience here 10 times better. 

Step 4: Get Your Work Done Early

Now we all know that the last thing you want to do when you are feeling down is homework, but getting it, all done could help you get out of your slump. Once you get all of your important work out the way, you have the rest of the night to enjoy whatever you want to do. You can go to activities, hang out with friends in the residence halls, or even go to bed early which will make you refreshed to tackle the next day’s work! 

Step 5: Do What Makes You Happy! 

Lastly, the most important thing that we can do for ourselves is to do what makes you truly happy! If you love baking, go bake your favorite treat! If you love playing basketball, go shoot some hoops in the Bunnell-Dmitrich Athletic Center! If you love reading, go to the library and snuggle up with a good book. No matter what you love, do it with the hopes of bringing back some happiness on those not so good days.