Goodbye from the editors

The 2023-2024 Spring semester is finally coming to an end. After what seemed to be one of the most challenging semesters for many students on campus, we have finally reached finals week. Arguably the most stressful time of every semester, but we finally made it to the end.
As a staff, we are all grateful for the opportunities we have had this spring semester. From capturing memories on campus in pictures and reporting on events and sports, to teaching our newer staff members and helping our returning members grow, and simply being able to share our passion with everyone on campus.
As the Managing editor I am especially grateful for our staff who have put in the effort and worked hard this semester. As well as the students, faculty, and staff that have supported our paper throughout this semester and previous.
As a growing newspaper we are always looking for ways to evolve and become better. We are looking for additional photographers, podcastors, and staff writers for the upcoming fall semester. We also welcome any and all other skills you can bring to our paper. The Eagle strives to be better each semester, and continues to be the voice of the students here at USU Eastern.
So finally, to students graduating this semester, The Eagle wishes you the best in your future. To those returning next semester, we are excited to see you back on campus. Thank you for supporting the campus newspaper yet another semester.