USU Eastern: Art Department feature
It is no secret that the students at USU Eastern are beyond talented. From photographs, to drawings, ceramics, and 3D designs all of the art students put in a tremendous amount of work.

It is no secret that the students at USU Eastern are beyond talented. From photographs, to drawings, ceramics, and 3D designs all of the art students put in a tremendous amount of work. Wherever you are a beginner, or have been doing Art for years, these classes are a great way for you to express yourself on film, paper, canvas, etc. USU Eastern is the place for you to get hands-on help with small class sizes from professors who love what they do.
The USU Eastern Art website states: “Students who study the art curriculum at USU Eastern can earn an Associate Degree in Art. They can also complete courses preparing them for transfer into a studio arts focused Bachelor of Art Degree program.”
There are many art classes here at USU Eastern for students to get involved in. As a current student, I have been able to benefit from those classes. Drawing, ceramics, photography, and film have been some of my favorite classes that I have taken on our campus. Last semester, I had the opportunity to take Drawing 1 with Professor Noel Carmack. He was able to teach us about many different types of drawing. We learned how to draw buildings, design hallways, stipple drawings, draw curtains with chalk, and ended with portraits. Carmack was great to work with, and no matter what your artistic levels are, he takes the time to help you develop better ones.
“The visual art program at USU Eastern offers a rounded course of study for a student who intends to obtain their associate’s degree and go on toward a baccalaureate,” said Carmack when asked about the benefits of the art program. “ The program is designed to support the foundation requirements of both degrees. The courses we offer provide a great introductory experience for a first- or second-year student who is investigating visual arts disciplines.”
The second art class I was able to take was ceramics from Chris Kanyusik. Kanyusik is very passionate about the field, and believes in everyone that he teaches. The first day of class we were already working with clay. Kanyusik encouraged us to be creative and make anything we wanted. From then on, we dove right into making projects. We were able to make shoes, vessels, cups, bowls, and lidded jars. Students were also given the opportunity to not only hand-build, but to also work with the potter’s wheel.
Another art class at Eastern is photography, taught by Jason Huntzinger. Huntzinger took advantage of the beautiful landscape that we have around Carbon County. We were rarely in the classroom, but enjoying everything that our area has to offer. We took pictures on Helper’s Main Street, East Carbon Coke Ovens, San Rafael Swell, and even around our campus. We were able to edit our pictures using Adobe Photoshop, and enjoy doing fun projects with our work.
Lastly, I thoroughly enjoyed taking the Introduction to Film class. This class was a stress-free, fun, and easy class that I was able to learn a lot from. Not only did I get to watch some of my favorite movies, but even old ones as well. It was extremely interesting to not only watch the movies, but learn about what truly goes into making them happen.
Aside from these classes, Eastern also offers great artistic opportunities like 3D design, painting, music, and theater. If you are thinking about taking any of these classes you should definitely reach out to the art professors to learn more about the opportunities that you can have.